Facebook Hacking (The Most Used Way).

==============Only For Educational Purpose===============
This technique hardly requires less than 5 minutes to hack the Facebook account password.This is the first version of this hack. I will tell you the improvement in this technique in further tutorials. Follow these Steps
  • Downlaod Phishing Pages by (Anøn Cøp)
  • Unzip the folder ,these are total four files.
  • Now Register on my3gb website and upload these to them.
  • Now open the index file and send its link to victim.
  • Check the password file to get the password of victim.
The only thing i not included in this tutorial is How to send Phishing emails. You all know the reason for this, we cannot discuss such things directly on internet because that can be misused by newbies and i don't want that anybody should use my tutorials for wrong way. I make videos just to guide you how hackers do the things. My intention is to guide you latest things happening in security field and not to make you a cracker and If U Still Want To Learn How To Send Link Then Contact With Me at Facebook
So Enjoy the tutorial and learn how tabnabbing is done.
Written By: (Anøn Cøp)
Regards: Anon Cop And All Anonymous Pk Team.

Hack Any PC With Ardamax Keylogger 3.8.9

Today i am going to show you that how to hack any account any Computer through Ardamax Keyllogger.

==============Only For Educational Purpose===============

Keylogger Features:

* Email log delivery - keylogger can send you recorded logs through e-mail delivery at set times - perfect for remote monitoring!
* FTP delivery - Ardamax Keylogger can upload recorded logs through FTP delivery.
* Network delivery - sends recorded logs through via LAN.
* Clipboard logging - capture all text copied to the Windows Clipboard.
* Invisible mode makes it absolutely invisible to anyone. Ardamax Keylogger is not visible in the task bar, system tray, Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7 Task Manager, process viewers (Process Explorer, WinTasks etc.), Start Menu and Windows Startup list.
* Visual surveillance - periodically makes screenshots and stores the compressed images to log.
* Chat monitoring - Ardamax Keylogger is designed to record and monitor both sides of a conversation in following chats:
o Windows Live Messenger 2011
o ICQ 7
o Skype 4
o Yahoo Messenger 10
o Google Talk
o Miranda
o QiP 2010
* Security - allows you to protect program settings, Hidden Mode and Log file.
* Application monitoring - keylogger will record the application that was in use that received the keystroke!
* Time/Date tracking - it allows you to pinpoint the exact time a window received a keystroke!
* Powerful Log Viewer - you can view and save the log as a HTML page or plain text with keylogger Log Viewer.
* Small size – Ardamax Keylogger is several times smaller than other programs with the same features. It has no additional modules and libraries, so its size is smaller and the performance is higher.
* Ardamax Keylogger fully supports Unicode characters which makes it possible to record keystrokes that include characters from Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and many other character sets.
* It records every keystroke. Captures passwords and all other invisible text.

Just Follow the Instruction:-
1) Download the Software and Install it (You Can Download It From Google If Could Not Then Comment I Will Post It)
2) After Installation Click on "Enter Registration Key" (You must have Install version 3.8.9)

[Image: 2zppnox.png]

3) Now Enter The Name and Serial Key.

4) Now Click on Remote Installation.

5) Click on Simply next.

6) Now check the All boxes and click on Next.

7) Now again simply click on Next.

8) Now choose the combination of Hidden mode or Just remember the Default one and click on next.

9) Now you need to Check the Send log box.Select the time which you want to recieve victim log .i recomend 10 minutes.and click on Next.

10) Now here you need to Enter Email Address on which you want to recieve Victim logs.Your Email address must be valid.then Enter the password of that email address.Select security None and click on Test .If you recieve a Mail from Ardamax keylogger then its mean your email works otherwise check it again.

11) Click on Next.

12) Now select the time for screen shot of victim pc u want to recieve.

13) Now CHoose the icon for your file .and click on next.

14) Now click On Finish .

You successfully Complete ur package and now send this file to your victim through email or facebook or Upload it somewhere and share the link.whenever Your victim click on this file .you get the logg of this victim and in this way you know his/her password easily and Hack the victim.

Now Do Fun With Ur Friends ANd Dont Missuse This Software  Big Grin


spaw : Deface and Shell Upload Vunerablity

==============Only For Educational Purpose===============
Spaw is a Vunerablity, you Can Upload your deface & Shell Easily in Vunerable websites
Cyber-Security-bill.jpg (424×283)
Lets Start
open www.google.com
enter The Dork inurl:"spaw2/dialogs/"
or inurl:"spaw2/uploads/files/"
You will Got results Like this "Index of/ spaw2/dialogs/" 

or :site.com/abc/spaw2/uploads/files/abc/abc.pdf

Now replace The Spaw2/Uploads/abc/abc 

ur with this url:


for example i got this website:


so Now i will replace:

/Admin/spaw2/uploads/files/%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%B7%E0%B8%AD%20Climate%20Change.pdf with /spaw2/uploads/files/%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%B7%E0%B8%AD%20Climate%20Change.pdf 



Now the URL is

http://climatechange.jgsee.org/Admin/spaw2/dialogs/dialog.php?module=spawfm&dialog=spawfm&theme=spaw2&lang=es&charset=&scid=cf73b58bb51c52235494da752d98cac9&type=files<br />

Now you will Got a window like this (click to see)

if you want to Upload deface page then Select files option ... and i f you want to upload shell then select image option and upload your shell as shell.php;,jpg
see You uploaded deface here 
comment here if any problem
Written By: (Anøn Cøp)
Regards: Anon Cop And Anonymous Pk Team

What is vulnerability?

                         ==============Only For Educational Purpose===============
Most important thing in hacking field.
Vulnerability is actually weaknesses in a system, website, application, or operating environment that can be exploited by a threat. we can also say holes in a system or website. it help the arracker to gain unauthorized access (the threat) to a system or application or website could occur by an outsider(other than admin).
Regards: Anon Cop And All Anonymous Pk Team
Written By: (Anøn Cøp)

Website Vunerablity Scanner : SQLi | LFI | XSS | Shell Upload

==============Only For Educational Purpose===============
Its a Amazing Tool, You can use it for checking SQLi,LFI , XSS , Shell Upload vulnerablities of websites, Its for n00bs and beginners !

Then follow the procedure how to scan it .... Pic below

Hope you understand..   any queries Do Comment ;)
Download Here - http://www.multiupload.com/87MMECTG0Y

Written By: (Anøn Cøp)

Facebook Password Decryptor

==============Only For Educational Purpose===============

It Is A Software Which Is Used To GRAB stored Passwords In Ur PC.
FACEBOOK password decryptor is a software by  http://www.securityxploded.com/.
1..Download facebook password decryptor From this link:
2..now run it and click on the button START RECOVERY..
3..it will show you emails and passwords now click on Export to text..
4.. now u r done u can take passwords and email from a file present in the main folder.
Now If U Want To Grab Passwords OF Someone Else
All The Method Will Be Same As Described Above Just Copy Installed Software
And Pastes In Any USB
Now Attach USB to Victim PC Do Same As You Did Above :P
Happy Hacking
Regards:Anon Cop And All Anonymous Pk Team

Written By: (Anøn Cøp)


How to hack Websites using Havji (all Versions download)

==============Only For Educational Purpose===============
How to hack Websites using Havji (all Versions)
Download Havij
 Havij v1.15 Free
 Havij v1.14 Free
 Havij v1.13 Free 
 Havij v1.12 Free
 Havij v1.10
1st Step :- Find a  vulnerabale website ....
I Found This website
Now Lets Start ..  
Open havij and copy and paste infected link as shown in figure

Now click in the "Analyze"

Then It shows some messages there....Be alert on it and be show patience for sometime to find it's vulernable and type of injection and if db server is mysql and it will find database NameThen after get it's database is name like xxxx_xxxx

Then Move to another operation to find tables by clicking "tables" as figure shown.Now click "Get tables" Then wait some time if needed
After founded the tables ,you can see There Will Be "users" Put mark on it and click in the " get columns " tab as shown in figure

In that Just put mark username and password and click "Get data"

Bingo Got now id and pass that may be admin...
The Pass Will get as md5 you can crack it also using this tool as shown in figure...

Now Find Admin Panel and Login with Your Crashed Username & Password
Happy Hacking
Written By: (Anøn Cøp)
Regards: Anon Cop And All Anonymous Pk Team

WebDav (IIS) easiest way to Hack

==============Only For Educational Purpose===============
What is WebDav or IIS?

WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) also called IIS is a set of extensions to HTTP/1.1. It is an open, published standard that allows you to edit documents on a remote web server. 

WebDAV supports the following features:

Editing: Create, update, and delete files. 

Properties: Store metadata such as titles, author names, and publication dates. You can set, delete, and retrieve these metadata.

This attack could only be perform on IIS Vulnerable websites
in IIS vulnerable websites,
we dont need to login to upload our deface page.

So first we should have to find out IIS vulnerable websites: 

I have a list of IIS vulnerable websites for group members. in the next tutorial, i'll post the method to find out them.

 In this tutrial we just gonna upload our deface page.

 So here we go: (for windows xp only)
right click on the desktop, new, shortcut.

write it in the box %WINDIR%\EXPLORER.EXE ,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{BDEADF00-C265-11d0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}

Name it webdav


double click on the web folder

right click, New, click on web folder

Now type the name of the Vulnerable site in the box.

Done (lolxxx now you can upload what ever you want.)

Now what we need to do is to copy deface page and paste it to the vulnerable website folder.

Happy Hacking :P

Written By: (Anøn Cøp)


Breaking In Windows XP Password

==============Only For Educational Purpose===============
Breaking In Windows XP Password

This post covers most of the ways of cracking windows XP users’ password.

Method 1:

If you have an administrator account (Not Guest)
then the XP users’ passwords can be reset using command prompt.
Go to the task-bar and click on the Start button, then click on run and in the place given on dialog box type “command”, press enter.
Now In the Command prompt type “net user” 
the screen will display the list of users available on machine
suppose there are three administrator users with the name of admin1, admin2 and admin3
then the password of any user can be changed by logging into the account of any one administrator
for example if we want to change the password of admin1
then we can change it from the following command
net user admin1 password
similarly for other desired users
The general syntax is for changing password is
net user <user-name> <password>
Limitations: The above method will only work if you are logged in as the administrator user.

Method 2:

Windows Recovery optiom,
Boot from the Windows XP CD and press enter when you are prompted to Install Windows copy, on the next screen there is a repair existing Windows version. This method is also known as windows recovery method,
The repair option will take as much time as the installation would have taken because the Windows file-system is replaced including the SAM file where the password is stored.
whereas the users’ setting remain untouched.
Thus the users’ password is reset to NULL value.
#In repair mode you have another hole to modify the password.It is easier.The steps are as following.
Boot from xp bootable.After license agreement is done(pressing f8) select the target window for repair.
After file copy completed machine will restart.And repair process will start.You will see ‘installing devices’ 39 minutes left etc. at bottom left of your screen.
Now press Shift+f10.A console(command window) will open.
type nusrmgr.cpl and hit enter.This will let you to enter in the user account setting.Now change the password.You will not be asked for old password. Just type the new password there.
Continue the repair process.It is strongly recommended that you continue the repair until it is completed.
You are done, the password is replaced.The password strength does not matter in this case.

Method 3:

Boot your computer from a live Linux CD or DVD which has an NTFS/HPFS file-system support.
Then Mount the drive which has Windows copy installed on it. Copy the sam file on the location
Which will be mentioned as /media/disk-1/Windows/System32/config/sam
It is a common misconception that sam file can be viewed through normal text editor, sam file isnt a normal text file.
Gnome, KDE or vim text Editors won’t display the content of this file
Open the file using Emacs Editor (available in nearly all the distributions of Live Linux). It will be hard to find the the password hashes, so go for the user-names which are not encrypted, just after the user-names passwords’ hashes can be found out, copy the code between “%” sign and on the the Google search for the rainbow tables, They will provide the decrypted value which have already been brute-forced earlier. This is isn’t a sure shot method, as the rainbow project is still under development. The password can be set to NULL by deleting the content, but this might result in the corruption of the sam file, and recovery is the only option left after it.
Limitations: This Method can corrupt your SAM file, which may lead to a repair of Windows XP, and you can risk your personal data with that.

Method 4:

OPHcrack method.
This is a sure shot password recovery method based upon bruteforcing.
This Live CD is based upon the slax LiveCD v.5.1.7. It has been customized to include ophcrack 2.3.3 and the SSTIC04-10k tables set. It is able to crack 99.9%% of alphanumeric passwords. Since the tables have to be loaded into memory, cracking time varies with the amount of available RAM. The minimum amount of RAM required is 256MB (because the LiveCD uses a lot of it). The recommended amount is 512MB. Ophcrack will auto-detect the amout of free memory and adapts its behaviour to be able to preload all the tables it can.
A shell script launched at the beginning of the X session(Session for managing your desktop) does the job of finding the Windows partition and starting appropriate programs to extract and crack password hashes. It will look for all partitions that contains hashes. If more than one are found, you will have to choose between them.
If your partition is not detected, make sure your the partition containing the hashes you want to crack is mounted and the use ophcrack ‘Load from encrypted SAM’ function to recover your Windows hashes. Then click ‘Launch’ and the cracking process will start.
Download the ISO image of OPH crack Live Linux CD from sourceforge mirrors.

Another small application which resets the users’ password is available at


Change Your Desktop Into A website :P

==============Only For Educational Purpose===============
How to do your Desktop Look Like Website
 Click Start-->Run-->Notepad
 Copy/Paste This html In Notepad
src="http://www.google.com/"width="100%" height="100%">
 Now save as index.html
Then Click on desktop-->properties-->desktop-->browse--> and Click
in html that you saved . And Click Open . Now Click Apply and OK
Your desktop will to be look like website that you can search .
If want to change your site , just change the URL in your html .
Change this google and write facebook if you want and save as again and
do the same work . :) :)
 Try This One Also
 src="http://www.google.com/" width="50%" height="50%">
For Facebook
 src="http://www.Facebook.com/" width="50%" height="50%">
Anon Cop And All Anonymous Pk Team 
  Written By: (Anøn Cøp)