Making A Facebook Virus

I have heard from many of my friends that their facebook account is hacked because of a virus which deletes our accounts.I first thought it could have been a trojan that spread out,then i found out which was really funny that its just simple prank to shutdown your pc,Now today i will show you how to make a facebook virus to make fun of your friends
In this tutorial I am gonna show you how to create a Facebook virus using simple commands on notepad.This will frighten the victim and let him think that he got a virus when they click on an icon such as Internet Explorer .

Making a fake facebook virus!

  • Open notepad
  • Type this in :
@echo off
shutdown -r -t 300 -c " SORRY!!! YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT ARE NOW BEING DELETED !!! PLEASE WAIT ..........."

  • Save it as something.bat 
  • Right click on shorcut and click Properties.
  • Click Change Icon
  • Choose Internet Explorer icon or similar , click OK , then click Apply.
  • Now your facebook virus is almost ready.
  • When victim click on it , he will get warning messages that looks like this:

NOTE : Its just a simple prank and it won't actually hack the victim.

Reality Of Facebook Hacking Softwares.

Facebook password Hacker
Facebook password Hacker,Facebook password Cracker orFacebook password extractor you might have heard these names.Yes these all are paid softwares which some website's claim that they will hack a Facebook password on typing the User ID.If you believe what they say then you are just wasting your time and money.These all softwares are fake Even I receive tons of daily emails asking for such email hacking software. So, I am writing this article to inform you reality of such email hacking software or can say password hacking software.

Recently i came across a site which was claiming that With their free hacking tool you can obtain the password to nearly any profile on,Is it possible?The answer is no.Guys, i want to tell you that there is no suchFacebook hacking software. Totally depressed?? I am sorry to say, but this is true. There is no such email hacking software. So stop searching for such email hacking software. Stop fooling yourself. Just use your sense guys. If there exists such a software, will there be any security on web. And all expert engineers at Google, Yahoo and other services are not mad. They are all engaged in ensuring security of their customers ie email account owners. So, no such software exists. 

What about Facebook password Hacking services?

Many sites on the internet claim to sell softwares/programs to hack email passwords. I know most of you are aware of this. These sites also boost that their software can hack email passwords with in minutes. Some sites also claim that they can hack any one’s password for money (say $100 or 200$). Never believe these sites. They are all scam,Most of Password Hacking services claim that they have a Password decryter or encrypter,They ask you to type an Id to Hack,they show you the hash form of the passwords and tell you to buy a software in order to reveal the password but when you make the payment the software dont work and you loose your money, I can dare challenge anyone who claims to hack an email, using a software program. In fact when I was a newbie in the field of Hacking, I have spent many sleepless nights in search of an Email hacking software. Finally I ended up only with frustration and nothing more than that. I don’t want my readers to commit the same mistake which I did. So, never believe those scam sites and empty your pockets by spending on useless softwares.

What are real ways of Facebook Hacking?

With my experience of almost 5 Years in this field of Hacking and Internet security i suggest you 4 real methods which can Hack a facebook password, I have posted these four of these methods in my post 4 ways on How to hack facebook password

4 Ways To Hack Facebook

Today i thought to uncover all the methods used to hack facebook password,

I will cover 4 methods over here:

  • Facebook Phishing
  • Keylogging
  • Social engineering
  • Primary email address hack

Facebook phishing:

I have taken this method first because i think this is the most popular method/way of hacking facebook. I studied various facebook surveys taken on web about hacking facebook. The results of these surveys show "Phishing" as the most used method to hack facebook and to note…"Phishing is favorite method of facebook hackers". So, friends.. beware of facebook Phishing. Facebook staff is working hard to avoid these Facebook phishers. Phishing not only allows you to hack Facebook but also almost any email account. You have to only get the trick used to make a phisher, which i think is very easy. I learnt it without any difficulty. But, remember, this is only for educational purpose.But now facebook Tabnabbing (an advanced form of phishing) is more accurate. 

2 Keylogging:

This is my second favorite, as only thing you have to do is remotely install a keylogger application (if you don't have any physical access to victim computer). Keylogging becomes more easy if you have physical access to victim computer as only thing you have to do is install a keylogger and direct it to your destination so that it will send all recorded keystrokes to pointed destination. What a keylogger does is it records the keystrokes into a log file and then you can use these logs to get required Facebook password and thus can hack facebook password. I have posted detailed information of top keyloggers in the trade for more information see my Password Hacking Softwares section 

3. Social engineering:

This sounds to be pretty not working at beginning. Even I was neglecting this way. But, once, I thought of using it against my friend on orkut and i got his Facebook passwordvery easily by this method. I think many of you might be knowing how what this social engg is. For newbies, Social Engineering is method of retrieving password or answer of security question simply be quering with the victim. You have to be very careful while using this as victim must not be aware of your intention. Just ask him cautiously using your logic. 

4.Primary email address hack


Social Engineering


Social enginering is a very small chapter,it is nt only related 2 internet arena bt it is also related 2 ur social nd general life.u do flirt vd a girl dt is social engineering.saying lies 2 some1 4 making ur own work succeed is also social engineering is nothing else but 2 do some crooking vd some1 4 making ur own work completed.suppose dt der is some1 ur freind nd u want 2 hack his orkut ,then vdout trying 2 hack his password simpally click on forgot password,a general person generally put very comman question here vch is very easy 2 guess if u r his freind,social engineering is a very imp. thing.
let me tell u d first story of hacking.
it held thru social engineering.
in starting wen telephone ws new in d world then d first hacker of d world,just looked at d working method of telephonic service,he found dt wen we call some1 then our reqst goes 2 telephone office then there it originates a specific freequency then it transfer 2 d person 2 whom we r calling.he just made a tofee nd put a small whistle in dt packet of tofee vd saying it is a gift vd tofee.
ppl nd der children started whistling dt whistle,wenever any1 used dt wistle, it produced d same freequency as d telephone server freequncy nd this thing made dt hacker's calls free around d world.

just look at d whole incident,he just thought nd used a small whistle.
it means social engineering is very much imp.,if u r doing something big then vdout taking d help of social enginering u cann't make ur desired work.
suppose dt der is some1 ur freind nd u want 2 hack his orkut ,then vdout trying 2 hack his password simpally click on forgot password,a general person generally put very comman question here vch is very easy 2 guess if u r his freind,social engineering is a very imp. thing,bcoz he is ur freind den in forgot password


[1]social engineering is d human side of breaking in to a corporate network
companies3 d authentication processes,firewall,virtual private networks nd network monitoring softwares are still wide open 2 attackssocial engineering is d hardest form of attack to defend against bcoz it can't be defend vd hardware or software alone.
sometimes wen u open a website then u see der something written like"congrats' u r d 1lakhth visitor click here 2 claim"
on dese places everyday thousands of ppl give der credit cards information easily,
der r 2 types of social engineering
--->posing as imp. user
--->3rd person approcah
--->technical support


these r classified in dese
-->mail/im attachments
-->pop up windows
--->spam mail
dis chapter is over now.
wen u vl do something big in ur future then while planning u vl understand d imporataince of social enginnering.
mind it,4 tracing some1 wen u send som1 a e mail or wen u say him 2 send a file or accept a file 4m him then these things r also social egineering.
we wiill be using this social engineering while sending some1 trojan/keylogger nd 4 many more things.these things vl come in dis course in future.


Ardamax Keylogger

Ardamax Keylogger 2.9 is good, but not as good as Ardamax Keylogger 2.8, reason being is because on Ardamax Keylogger 2.9, when your victim clicks the file, it comes up saying "This will install Ardamax monitoring tool, do you wish to continue?", where as if you use Ardamax 2.8, it will just infect they're PC when they click it, nothing comes up, it'll just auto-install.

A- Getting Ardamax and Registering it.

  • Get Ardamax 2.8 or 2.9 (I HIGHLY recommend 2.8):
Ardamax Keylogger 2.9
  • Once downloaded, you'll see a little note-pad icon in your desk-top icon bar thing (bottom right of your screen), now right-hand.
  • Click it and click 'Enter registration key...', now type in this where it says registration name and under it where it says.
  • Registration key : 
Name: Membros
Once done click 'Ok' and you should get a pop-up saying 'Registration key accepted. Thanks for registering'

B- The Keylogger Engine.

  • Now your going to make the Keylogger Engine (The thing you send out over msn or whatever). Click 'Remote Installation...', now.
  •  Click 'next' until you get to Appearences (it might come up straight away for Ardamax 2.9, but I can't be asked checking). 
  • Now your at Appearences, click 'Additional components:' and un-tick 'Log Viewer' then click 'Next'. 
  • Now you should be at 'Invisibility', make sure all the boxes are ticked, then click 'Next'. 
  • Now you should be at 'Security', now, click 'Enable' and put your password (it can be any password you like, make it something easy so you can remember). Once done, make sure all the boxes are ticked and click 'Next'. 
  • Now you should be at 'Web Update', just click 'Next' when your here. 
  • Ok, you should now be at 'Options', this all depends on you, if you want your Keylogger to be a secret on your computer so your family know you ain't been up to anything naughty, then tick 'Start in hidden mode' and click 'Next'.
(Remember, if in future you want to make a new Keylogger Engine, then press: CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + H at the same time.)
  • Ok, now you should be at 'Control', click the box that says 'Send logs every', now make it so it sends logs every 30 minutes, then where it says Delivery, un-tick 'Email' and tick 'FTP', leave the 'Include' bit as it is, now un-tick the box where it says 'Send only if log size exceeds', once thats done, 
  • Now you should be at 'FTP', ok, creat a free account at, then make sure your at 'Online Storage', then make a new folder called: Logs
(this is where the logs are sent to when you keylogg someone)
  • Now on your FTP on Ardamax Keylogger, where it says 'FTP Host:', put this:
  • Now where it says 'Remote Folder:', put this: Logs 
  • Now where it says 'Userame:' and 'Password:', put your DriveHQ username and password 
  • Once done, do NOT change your DriveHQ password or rename/delete the folder called 'Logs', if you do, the logs will not come through. 
  • You should now be at 'Control', make sure all the boxes are 'ticked' then click 'Next'. 
  • Where it says 'Screen Shots', adjust them as you like, but I recommend every 2 hours and full screen, once done click 'Next'. 
  • Now you should be at 'Destination', now you have to choose where you put your Keylogger Engine, where it says 'Keylogger engine path:', click 'browse' and choose where you want to put your Keylogger Engine (I suggest 'My Documents'). 
  • Now un-tick 'Open the folder containing the keylogger engine' (this should stop you from logging yourself) and then choose the Icon you want for the keylogger engine, choose one and then click 'Next' then 'Finish'. 

C- Binding the Keylogger with another file.

  • Download the Binding Tool:
  • Open it and then click the little green '+' image in the bottom left corner, then it should browse your files, go to 'My Documents' (or where-ever you put the Keylogger Engine) and then click the file called 'Install'. 
  • Do the same again but don't add the Keylogger Engine (Install), add a picture or something. 
  • You need to get a .ico image, this is easy, just go to and upload the Image youwant to be converted to .ico, once its done, click 'download'. 
  • On the Binder, click 'Settings' and then where it says 'Select An Icon', click the '...' image and then browse your files, where it says 'Files of type', scroll down and select 'All Files [*.*]', then select your .ico image which you just made like so.
  • Now on the Easy Binder, where it says 'Set Output File', click the '...' button and then put it where you want your binded files to be saved (I recommend My Documents so you don't forget), put the name you want on the file and then click 'Save'.

D- Spread Through HTML

You can also spread it by HTML attck
the server file of your trojan you will have to upload it on some webhosting and then change the link of the server file in the code and then save this code as "index.html" and then upload it to the same host.
All done, now everytime someone opens that webpage they would be infected with your trojan's server

IF you have any problem.

Ask here.