Author: Dr.Z0mbie |
Hello everyone
as many people say "backtrack is hard to use" or "backtrack is not for daily use", but today I'm going to give you some tips to make backtrack perfect for your daily use, even KDE (which is harder to use than GNOME )
1. To make software installing much much easier and easier to search for a software Run this command:
This command will install "Ubuntu Software Center" where you can search for software and install them with just one click
2. To install the best messengers in linux run this command:
with those two you can connect and chat with yahoo, MSN, facebook, jabber (like nimbuzz, and mig33), and much more! and I would install them both and try to see which one is the best for my use. but those two are my personal best xP
3. For screen Recording install XVidCap by running this command:
This one has good quality I used it couple of times and liked it
4. TeamViwer, it can be downloaded from and then installed with the following commands:
5. For archive extraction (ALMOST ALL TYPES) install ARK but running this command:
I really like it, .rar, .zip, .tar, etc etc it can extract them !
you can also install "unrar" and "zip" by running the commands bellow:
6. Installing VLC, which i failed in when i first used backtrack
but its the only player which can play .avi and .mpeg ... anyways
here is a video tutorial on how to install it and make it run as root (tut made by me xP)
7. and now google chrome my fav browser which cant be opened as root but here is a tut on how to fix this error and make it run as root and run smoothly
tut made by me as well xP
8. FTP client for linux, my personal best.. filezilla run the command bellow:
9. Now this one is for personal use Offic package just like microsoft word and powerpoint.. but the open source version lol.. run the command bellow:
this command will install the whole package..
10. PDF reader, thats if it was not installed already run this command:
11. To install windows based programs "no all, just the most important" we will get "winetricks" which is now available in GUI version.. to make it read to use run these commands:
and then to use it just open the terminal and type:
(make sure that its in the same dir as you are by running the command "ls" to check if it was there)
12. to run VB .NET programs you have two options (do them both just to be sure )
installing "mono" by running this command:
(mono is also used as for development not only running programs)
to run a program using mono type this:
(be sure to make the program executable using the following command:
IF MONO DIDNT WORK, we have another option which is installing .NET framework using "winetricks"
open terminal, enter the dir that has winetricks and then run this command:
after its done all you have to do is right click on the program you want and then choose "open with wine windows program loader" from the menu
now finally just update and upgrade your system by running this command:
that's it
enjoy using backtrack now,, and if you have questions feel free to ask
Hello everyone
as many people say "backtrack is hard to use" or "backtrack is not for daily use", but today I'm going to give you some tips to make backtrack perfect for your daily use, even KDE (which is harder to use than GNOME )
1. To make software installing much much easier and easier to search for a software Run this command:
apt-get install software-center
This command will install "Ubuntu Software Center" where you can search for software and install them with just one click
2. To install the best messengers in linux run this command:
apt-get install empathy && apt-get install pidgin
with those two you can connect and chat with yahoo, MSN, facebook, jabber (like nimbuzz, and mig33), and much more! and I would install them both and try to see which one is the best for my use. but those two are my personal best xP
3. For screen Recording install XVidCap by running this command:
apt-get install xvidcap
This one has good quality I used it couple of times and liked it
4. TeamViwer, it can be downloaded from and then installed with the following commands:
root@bt:~# cd Downloads
root@bt:~/Downloads# dpkg -i teamviewer_linux*.deb
5. For archive extraction (ALMOST ALL TYPES) install ARK but running this command:
apt-get install ark
I really like it, .rar, .zip, .tar, etc etc it can extract them !
you can also install "unrar" and "zip" by running the commands bellow:
apt-get install zip
apt-get install unrar
6. Installing VLC, which i failed in when i first used backtrack
but its the only player which can play .avi and .mpeg ... anyways
here is a video tutorial on how to install it and make it run as root (tut made by me xP)
7. and now google chrome my fav browser which cant be opened as root but here is a tut on how to fix this error and make it run as root and run smoothly
tut made by me as well xP
8. FTP client for linux, my personal best.. filezilla run the command bellow:
apt-get install filezilla
9. Now this one is for personal use Offic package just like microsoft word and powerpoint.. but the open source version lol.. run the command bellow:
apt-get install
this command will install the whole package..
10. PDF reader, thats if it was not installed already run this command:
apt-get install xpdf
11. To install windows based programs "no all, just the most important" we will get "winetricks" which is now available in GUI version.. to make it read to use run these commands:
root@bt:~# wget
root@bt:~# chmod +x winetricks
and then to use it just open the terminal and type:
root@bt:~# ./winetricks
12. to run VB .NET programs you have two options (do them both just to be sure )
installing "mono" by running this command:
apt-get install mono-complete
to run a program using mono type this:
(be sure to make the program executable using the following command:
chmod +x PROGRAM-NAME.exe
IF MONO DIDNT WORK, we have another option which is installing .NET framework using "winetricks"
open terminal, enter the dir that has winetricks and then run this command:
./winetricks corefonts dotnet20
after its done all you have to do is right click on the program you want and then choose "open with wine windows program loader" from the menu
now finally just update and upgrade your system by running this command:
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get moo
that's it
enjoy using backtrack now,, and if you have questions feel free to ask
N0thing is Impossible! =)
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